Inspiring Leaders - online train to teach event

Tuesday 21 May 2024 at 16:00 - 17:30

Event information

At Inspiring Leaders, our mission is simple: we believe quality education can make the world a better place. Our event will show you how we can help you achieve this goal.

The Person: We look at you as a person first and a trainee second. We are keen to find the right people to train to be teachers and will invest in you as a person. Our team of educators are looking for people who can develop their skills to become knowledgeable, professional, creative, reflective, emotionally intelligent, and resilient. With these qualities we believe that you have the potential to become the best teachers you can possibly be.

The Place: We carefully choose schools and communities to give you a diverse learning experience. This helps you connect with students from different backgrounds, ensuring you can reach every child.

The Support: Personalised support is at the core of what we offer. At the event, you'll learn how our guidance and tools will help you succeed in the classroom. When you do well, your students do too.

Our SCITT training programme blends school experience with a comprehensive taught programme. This leads to Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) and a PGCE, including 60 masters credits from our partners Nottingham Trent University and the University of Leicester.

"Trainees benefit from high levels of support... 'The provider has given me the opportunity to grow and become the best teacher I can be. High-quality lessons, well-being support, and approachable leaders have all played a vital role in this.'” Ofsted 2023.

To attend this event, please register on our website(opens in new window)

How to attend

To register for this event, follow the instructions in the event information section.

Provider information

Event website in new window)

Target audience
Prospective trainee teachers

Inspiring Leader Teacher Training

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