SCITT in East London Schools - online information event

Tuesday 7 May 2024 at 16:00 - 17:00

Event information

Our information events are designed to give potential applicants further information on how the SCITT works, learn about how to get into teaching with SCITTELS, an outstanding ITT provider, starting in September 2024. We will tell you about how to apply, information to help you decide which route is best for you, finances, and a typical training year.

If after the event you require further support, we will support you with every step of the application process. This may be through individual emails or an invitation to a zoom meeting to discuss your situation further.

The event is free and will be held over Zoom. Participants will need to register, in order to receive the link.

Book NOW to make the best possible start to a fulfilling career in primary teaching.
To attend this event, please register on our website(opens in new window).

How to attend

To register for this event, follow the instructions in the event information section.

Provider information

Event website in new window)

Target audience
High-quality graduates who are interested in primary teaching

SCITT in East London Schools

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