Event information
Our Get Into Teaching event in the London can help you find out if teaching in primary and secondary schools is the career for you.
Whether you’re ready to start your career in teaching or just curious, our expert advisers can help you work out your next steps.
You can explore:
help and support - there will be lots of people to help and guide you - whether you’re exploring your career options or have decided that training to be a teacher is right for you
meet a teacher – your chance to chat with our friendly teachers from a range of backgrounds and listen to the questions and experience of other attendees
presentations – attend presentations that give a general overview of teacher training and practical advice for your application
advice zone – talk to our expert advisers about eligibility, the application process, reviewing personal statements and what the training is like
training provider zone – find out about courses and entry requirements from local teacher training providers. This is a great opportunity to speak with many providers in one place saving you time and effort
funding support – a dedicated area that covers all aspects of funding your teacher training and the options available to you
The event is friendly and relaxed, allowing you to drop by whenever it suits you. To fully benefit from all the opportunities available, we recommend spending a couple of hours exploring everything on offer.
How to attend
Register for this event to secure your place and check in faster on arrival using a QR code.